
Anish Kapoor at 국제갤러리 (2023.08.30~10.22)

투명시선 2023. 9. 29. 11:49

Anish Kapoor at 국제갤러리 (2023.08.30~10.22)
아니쉬 카푸어 전시를 보러 국제갤러리행!
이번 전시는 예약없이 관람 가능하고
K1, K2, K3 전체 관에서 모두 다른 형태로 전시 진행

“핵심은 무엇이 물질적이며 무엇이 그 물질을 초월하는지를 질문하는 것이다. 결국 이것이 모든 작가가 하는 일의 본질이자 미술의 주요한 방법론적 지향점이다.” – 아니쉬 카푸어

국제갤러리는 8월 30일부터 10월 22일까지 아니쉬 카푸어(Anish Kapoor)의 개인전을 선보인다. 지난 2016년 이후 7년 만에 열리는 이번 전시는 국제갤러리에서의 네 번째 개인전으로, 서울 K1, K2, K3 전 공간에 걸쳐 조각, 페인팅, 드로잉을 망라하는 작가의 다채로운 작업을 폭넓게 소개한다.

‘21세기 가장 선구적인 작가’ 중 하나로 평가받는 아니쉬 카푸어는 작년 베니스에서 혁신적 작업세계의 새로운 지평을 펼쳐 보이는 대규모 전시를 통해 자신의 위치를 다시 한번 증명한 바 있다. 특히 베니스 전시에서는 카푸어가 근래 집중해오고 있는 매체인 회화를 그의 대표적인 검정 작품들과 병치해 선보임으로써 시각예술의 물리적, 개념적 한계를 꾸준히 시험하는 작가의 능력을 강조했다. 카푸어에게 그 검정 작품군은 회화의 작동 방식에 대한 고찰과도 교차되는데, 작가에게 회화란 “무언가를 가시화하는 방식에 대한 역사인 반면, 나는 그와 정반대의 일, 즉 무언가를 어떻게 사라지게 만들 수 있을 것인가에 천착했던 것이다."

이번 개인전에서도 작가는 회화와 조각에 대한 이 같은 접근법으로 전시를 꾸리는데, 서울점 K1에서 K3에 이르기까지 각기 다른 성격의 건축 공간을 활용, 작품들 간의 새로운 대화를 제안하며 자신의 작업 전반에 걸쳐 강조되는 ‘신체’에 대한 집중력을 피력한다. 다채로운 재료로써 다양한 모양새의 추상적 제스처를 소개하는 본 전시는 궁극적으로 생(生)의 숭고한 격렬함, 즉 아니쉬 카푸어의 형식 언어를 구축하는 핵심 자원인 생의 맹렬한 숭고미를 일관되게 읊조린다.

K3에는 네 점의 거대한 조각이 설치된다. 특정 유형으로 범주화되는 것을 거부하는 이 무거운 덩어리들은 지질학적 조직을 연상시킴과 동시에 해부학적 내장의 모양새에 기대기도 한다. 카푸어를 대표하는 색채인 진한 빨강과 검정을 입은 조각 작품들 중 특히 두 점은 〈그림자(Shadow)〉와 〈섭취(Ingest)〉라는 제목을 통해 작업의 맥락과 영감의 원천을 넌지시 가리키기도 한다.  

한편 K2에서는 전시 전반에 펼쳐지는 작가의 문법을 한데 농축해 놓은 회화 작품들이 소개된다. 시각적으로 강렬하고 폭발적으로 표현주의적인 이 회화 작품군은 유화, 섬유유리 및 실리콘으로 제작돼 날것의 상태를 구현하며, 비단 유혈이 낭자한 내장을 연상시킬 뿐 아니라 존재의 개화를 암시하고자 한다. 이처럼 물감이 캔버스 위에 흩뿌려진 듯한 모양새의 회화 안에서 우리는 마치 엄청난 무력에 의해 그 내부와 외부의 경계가 흐려진 물질의 존재를 감각하며 신체의 다공성 경계에 대한 작가의 지속되는 관심을 엿보게 된다.

이와 같은 주제는 K1 바깥쪽 전시 공간에 설치된 과슈 작품을 통해 다소 절제된 방식으로 고찰된다. 회화에 비해 작은 크기로 제작되는 이 종이 작품들은 캔버스 위에서와 마찬가지의 시각적 혼돈 안에 문 내지는 창문을 암시하는 어떤 공(空)의 영역을 묘사한다. 창에 대한 기하학적 환영은 작가가 조각 및 회화 작업에서도 즐겨 사용하는 장치로, 보는 이로 하여금 자신을 작품 안에 투영시켜 자신이 놓인 환경과 대면하는 신체의 불안정성을 인지할 수밖에 없도록 만든다.

작가는 K1의 안쪽 전시장에 놓인 검정 작품들을 통해서도 비슷한 현상을 꾀한다. 카푸어를 대표하는 검정으로 염색된, 뒤틀어진 기하학의 이 오브제들은 관람자의 시각을 어지럽히며 그 내부의 공간으로 끌어당긴다. 해당 검정은 빛 뿐만 아니라 모든 소리마저 흡수시키는데, 이로써 각 오브제의 표면, 그 피부에 조용히 안착해 일체화된다. 카푸어의 검정 작품 연작은 극도로 차분하지만, 이 독특한 매체가 구현하는 형태의 흡수력은 회화의 날 선 빨강의 이미지들 못지 않게 잔혹하기도 하다. 오브제의 경계선이 우리 눈 앞에서 용해됨에 따라 서서히 피부가 없는, 껍질이 없는 물질이 되고, 이는 극히 원초적이고도 불안정한 감각을 촉발한다. 이처럼 현존과 부재를 동시에 구현하는 것이야 말로 카푸어 작업의 핵심 주제라 할 수 있다. 자신이 다루는 물질의 한계에 도전함으로써 카푸어는 그 물질의 창출 및 파괴를 동시에 고찰하고, 나아가 관람자의 신체적 감각을 시험해 지극히 자극적이고도 시적인 ‘사이(in-between)의’ 상태를 포착해낸다.

작가 소개

아니쉬 카푸어는 1954년 인도 뭄바이에서 태어났으며 현재 런던과 베니스에 거주 및 활동하고 있다. 작가는 최근 이탈리아 베니스의 갤러리 델 아카데미아 디 베네치아와 팔라조 맨프린(2022), 영국 옥스포드 현대미술관(2021), 중국 선전 현대미술 및 도시계획 박물관(2021), 영국 노포크 호턴 홀(2020), 독일 뮌헨 모던 피나코텍 미술관(2020), 아르헨티나 부에노스 아이레스 펀다시온 프로아(2019), 중국 베이징 중앙 미술관 및 황실 사원 아카데미(2019), 포르투갈 포르투 세랄베스 현대미술관(2018), 멕시코 시티 현대미술관(2016), 프랑스 베르사유 궁전(2015) 등에서 개인전을 개최했다. 1990년 제44회 베니스 비엔날레에 영국 대표 작가로 참여해 〈Void Field〉(1989)를 선보이며 프리미오 듀밀라(Premio Duemila)를 수상하였고 이듬해 영국의 권위 있는 예술상인 터너 프라이즈(Turner Prize)를 받았다. 카푸어의 작품은 유수의 미술관에 소장돼 주요 상설전시로 소개되고 있으며, 고유한 공공미술은 전세계 곳곳에서 랜드마크로 자리 잡았다.

Anish Kapoor

British, 1954

Anish Kapoor
Born in 1954, Bombay, India
Lives and works in London, UK

1977     Chelsea School of Art, London, UK
1973     Hornsey College of Art, London, UK
Selected Solo Exhibitions
Anish Kapoor, Kukje Gallery, Seoul, Korea
Anish Kapoor, Regen Projects, Los Angeles, USA

Anish Kapoor, Centre of Polish Sculpture, Oronsko, Poland
Anish Kapoor: Sculptures, Skulpturenpark Waldfrieden, Wuppertal, Germany
Anish Kapoor, Lisson Gallery, Beijing, China
Anish Kapoor: Selected works 2015-2022, SCAI Bathhouse, Tokyo, Japan
Anish Kapoor, Gallerie dell'Accademia and Palazzo Manfrin, Venice, Italy

Anish Kapoor: Painting, Modern Art Oxford, Oxford, UK
Anish Kapoor, Lisson Gallery, London, UK
Anish Kapoor, Shenzhen Museum of Contemporary Art and Urban Planning, Shenzhen, China

Anish Kapoor: Howl, Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich, Germany
Anish Kapoor, Houghton Hall, Norfolk, UK
Into Yourself, Fall, Waddesdon Manor, Buckinghamshire, UK
Anish Kapoor, Regen Projects, Los Angeles, US

Surge, Fundación Proa, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Anish Kapoor, Lisson Gallery, New York, US
Anish Kapoor, Central Academy of Fine Arts Museum and Imperial Ancestral Temple, Beijing, China
Anish Kapoor, Lisson Gallery, London, UK
Anish Kapoor, Fundación CorpArtes, Santiago, Chile
Anish Kapoor, Pitzhanger Manor & Gallery, London, UK

Anish Kapoor, Galerie Klüser, Munich, Germany
Anish Kapoor, Punkt Ø, Moss, Norway
Anish Kapoor: Works, Thoughts, Experiments, Serralves Museum of Contemporary Art, Porto, Portugal
Anish Kapoor in Beppu, Beppu Park, Oita, Japan
Anish Kapoor: Red Shadow, Galeria La Caja Negra, Madrid, Spain
Anish Kapoor, Gallery F 15, Moss, Norway
Another (M)other, Galerie Kamel Mennour, Paris, France

Anish Kapoor. My Red Homeland, Musée d’Art et Contemporain, Saint–Étienne Métropole, France
Places of Origin – Monuments for the 21st Century, MAST Foundation, Bologna, Italy
Concept of Happiness: Anish Kapoor’s Outline of Collapse, Eye of Gyre, Gyre Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
Destierro, Parque de la Memoria, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Descension, Brooklyn Bridge Park, Public Art Fund, New York, US
Anish Kapoor, Lisson Gallery, London, UK
Anish Kapoor: Wall Drawings, Galleria Massimo Minini, Brescia, Italy

Anish Kapoor, Museo d’Arte Contemporanea Roma (MACRO), Rome, Italy
Anish Kapoor, Galleria Continua, Havana, Cuba
Descension, Nuit Blanche 2016, The Seine, Paris, France
Anish Kapoor, Gagosian Gallery, Hong Kong
Anish Kapoor, SCAI The Bathhouse, Tokyo, Japan
Gathering Clouds, Kukje Gallery, Seoul, Korea
Archaeology: Biology, Museo Universitario Arte Contemporáneo (MUAC), Mexico City, Mexico
Casamadre Arte Contemporanea, Naples, Italy
Anish Kapoor, Lisson Gallery, Milan, Italy
Today You Will Be In Paradise, Gladstone Gallery, New York, US

Anish Kapoor & Rembrandt, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Anish Kapoor. My Red Homeland, Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center, Moscow, Russia
Anish Kapoor chez Le Corbusier, 13th Biennale de Lyon, Priory of La Tourette, Lyon, France
Anish Kapoor: Prints from the Collection of Jordan D. Schnitzer, Portland Art Museum, Portland, US
Anish Kapoor, Chateau de Versailles, Versailles, France
Descension, Galleria Continua, San Gimignano, Italy
Anish Kapoor, Lisson Gallery, London, UK
Anish Kapoor, Gladstone Gallery, Brussels, Belgium
Anish Kapoor, Regen Projects, Los Angeles, US

Anish Kapoor, Sakıp Sabancı Müzesi, Istanbul, Turkey
Anish Kapoor in Berlin, Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berlin, Germany

Anish Kapoor, Gladstone Gallery, New York, US
Anish Kapoor, Pinchuk Art Centre, Kiev, Ukraine
Anish Kapoor, Museum of Contemporary Art Australia, Sydney, Australia
Anish Kapoor, Lisson Gallery, London, UK
Anish Kapoor, De Pont Foundation for Contemporary Art, Tilburg, The Netherlands
Anish Kapoor, Leeum, Samsung Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea

Anish Kapoor: Push Pull, Galleria Massimo Minini, Brescia, Italy
Anish Kapoor: Turning the World Inside Out, Santa Barbara Museum of Art, Santa Barbara, US
Almost Nothing, Chapel of the Paris École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts, Paris, France
Anish Kapoor, Rotonda della Besana and Fabbrica del Vapore, Milan, Italy
Ascension, Basilica di San Giorgio, Venice, Italy
Anish Kapoor: Leviathan, Monumenta 2011, Grand Palais, Paris, France
Flashback, Manchester Art Gallery, Manchester; Nottingham Castle Museum & Art Gallery, Nottingham; Longside Gallery, Yorkshire Sculpture Park, Wakefield, UK
Between Shit and Architecture, Galerie Kamel Mennour, Chapelle des Petits Augustins Beaux-Arts de Paris, Paris, France

Anish Kapoor: Delhi, Mumbai, National Gallery of Modern Art New Delhi, New Delhi, India & Studios Mumbai, Mumbai, India
Anish Kapoor: Turning the World Upside Down, Kensington Gardens, London, UK
Anish Kapoor, SCAI The Bathhouse, Tokyo, Japan
Anish Kapoor: An Exhibition to Coincide with the Launch of Temenos, Middlesbrough Institute of Modern Art, Middlesbrough, UK
Anish Kapoor, Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, Bilbao, Spain

Anish Kapoor: Islamic Mirror, Museum of the Monasterio de Santa Clara, Murcia, Spain
Anish Kapoor: New Works, Lisson Gallery, London, UK
Anish Kapoor: Memory, Guggenheim Museum, New York, US
Anish Kapoor, Royal Academy of Arts, London
Anish Kapoor: Drawings, Regen Projects, Los Angeles, US
Shooting into the Corner, Museum of Applied Arts (MAK), Vienna, Austria

Anish Kapoor: Memory, Deutsche Guggenheim, Berlin, Germany
Anish Kapoor: Islamic Mirror, Santa Clara Convent, Murcia, Spain
Perspectives: Anish Kapoor, Smithsonian’s National Museum of Asian Art, Washington, D.C., US
Place/No Place: Anish Kapoor in Architecture, Royal Institute of British Architects, London, UK
Anish Kapoor, Kukje Gallery, Seoul, Korea
Anish Kapoor: Past, Present, Future, Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston, US
Anish Kapoor, Gladstone Gallery, New York, US

Anish Kapoor – Svayambh, Musée des Beaux Arts, Nantes, France; traveled to Haus der Kunst, Munich, Germany
Anish Kapoor, Galleria Continua Beijing, China
Anish Kapoor, Haus Der Kunst, Munich, Germany
Anish Kapoor: Works on Paper, Gladstone Gallery, New York, US

Anish Kapoor, Lisson Gallery, London, UK
Anish Kapoor, curated by Marcello Dantas and Lorenzo Fiaschi, Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; traveled to the Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Centro Cultural Banco do Brasi, São Paulo, Brazil
Anish Kapoor, Regen Projects, Los Angeles, US
My Red Homeland, Centro de Arte Contemporáneo de Málaga, Málaga, Spain

Japanese Mirrors, SCAI The Bathhouse, Tokyo, Japan

Anish Kapoor, Galleria Massimo Minini, Brescia, Italy
Whiteout, Barbara Gladstone Gallery, New York, US

Anish Kapoor: la Montagna, la Pietra, lo Specchio, National Art Gallery, Rome, Italy
Anish Kapoor: Painting, Lisson Gallery, London, UK
Museo Archeologico Nazionale, Naples, Italy
My Red Homeland, Kunsthaus Bregenz, Bregenz, Austria
Anish Kapoor, Kukje Gallery, Seoul, Korea

Marsyas, The Unilever Series for the Turbine Hall, Tate Modern, London, UK

Anish Kapoor, Gladstone Gallery, New York, US

Anish Kapoor, Regen Projects, Los Angeles, US
Blood, Lisson Gallery, London, UK

Galeria Andre Viana, Porto, Portugal
CAPC, Musée d'Art Contemporain de Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France
Anish Kapoor, SCAI the Bathhouse, Tokyo, Japan

Anish Kapoor, Gallery Massimo Minini, Brescia, Italy
Centro Galego de Arte Contemporanea, Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Massimo Minini, Brescia, Italy
Lisson Gallery, London, UK
Hayward Gallery, London, UK
CAPC, Musée d'art contemporain de Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France
Her Blood, La Chapelle de la Salpétrière, Paris, France
Anish Kapoor, Gladstone Gallery, New York, US

Anish Kapoor, Galerie Lucien Durand, Paris, France

Angles Gallery, Santa Monica, CA, 1996
Um Fontana, Schirn Kunsthalle, Frankfurt, Germany
Massimo Minini, Brescia, Italy
Lisson Gallery, London, UK
Anish Kapoor, Kunst-Station St Peter, Cologne, Germany, 1996
Anish Kapoor: Sculptures, Aboa Vetus & Ars Nova, Turku, Finland
Anish Kapoor: Two Sculptures, Kettle's Yard, Cambridge, UK

Anish Kapoor, Fondazione Prada, Milan, Italy
Lisson Gallery, London, UK
De Pont, Tilburg, Netherlands
Gourd, Nishimura Gallery, Tokyo, Japan

Stuart Regen Gallery, New York, US

Anish Kapoor, Tel Aviv Museum of Art, Tel Aviv, Israel

Gladstone Gallery, New York, NY
Tel Aviv Museum of Art, Tel Aviv, Israel
Des Moines Art Center, Des Moines, US
National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, Canada
The Power Plant, Toronto, Canada
Anish Kapoor: Sculptures, Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, Paris, France
Lisson Gallery, London, UK

Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego, La Jolla, US
Stuart Regen Gallery, Los Angeles, US
Galeria Soledad Lorenzo, Madrid, Spain

Kunstverein Hannover, Hanover, Germany, 1991; catalogue
Anish Kapoor (organized in co-operation with the British Council), Palacio de Velazquez, Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid, Spain
Anish Kapoor & Ban Chiang, Feuerle, Koln, Cologne, Germany
The 6th Japan Ushimado International Art Festival, Ushimado, Japan

Drawings, Gladstone Gallery, New York, US
British Pavilion, organized by The British Council, The 44th Venice Biennale, Venice, Italy
Magasin, Centre National d'Art Contemporain, Grenoble, France
Anish Kapoor, Drawings, Tate Gallery, London, UK

Gladstone Gallery, New York, US
Kohji Ogura Gallery (organized in co-operation with the Lisson Gallery), Nagoya, Japan
Void Field, Lisson Gallery, London, UK

Lisson Gallery, London, UK

Anish Kapoor: Works on Paper 1975 – 1987, Ray Hughes Gallery, Sydney, Australia; traveled to Museum of Modern Art (MOMA), Brisbane, Australia

Gladstone Gallery, New York, US
Anish Kapoor: Recent Sculpture and Drawings, University Gallery, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, US
Sensual Transcendence: The Sculpture of Anish Kapoor, Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, US
Anish Kapoor, Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo, Norway

Kunsthalle Basel, Basel, Switzerland; traveled to the Stedelijk Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven, Netherlands
Lisson Gallery, London, UK
Donald Young Gallery, Chicago, US
Currents: Anish Kapoor, Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston, Boston, US

Gladstone Gallery, New York, US
Galerie Paul Maenz, Cologne, Germany

Anish Kapoor: Beeldhouwwerken, organized by Rotterdam Arts Council, Galerie 't Venster, Rotterdam, Netherlands
Feeling into Form, Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool, UK; travelled to Le Nouveau Musee, Villeurbanne/Lyon, France
Lisson Gallery, London, UK

Lisson Gallery, London, UK, 1982
Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool, UK, 1982

Anish Kapoor, Coracle Press, London, UK

Anish Kapoor, Patrice Alexandre, Paris, France
Selected Group Exhibitions
Light: Works from the Tate Collection, National Art Center, Tokyo, Japan
The Ability to Dream, Galleria Continua, Boissy Le Chatel, France
Empyrean, Mennour, Paris, France
Rounding the Circle: The Mary and Al Shands Collection, Speed Art Museum, Louisville, US
First Circle: Circles in Art, Heather James Fine Art, Palm Desert, US
Reaching for the Stars: From Maurizio Cattelan to Lyette Yiadom Boakye, Palazzo Strozzi, Florence, Italy
Anish Kapoor/Giulio Paolini, Galleria Massimo Minini, Brescia, Italy
60 Years of Collecting: An anniversary exhibition celebrating the UMCA Permanent Art Collection, University of Massachusetts Fine Arts Center, Amherst, US
Making Worlds, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia

wHole, Heide Museum of Modern Art, Bulleen, Australia
In Our Veins Flow Ink and Fire, Kochi-Muziris Biennale 2022, India
Façade 2022, Contemporary Art Festival Middelburg, Abdijplein, Middelburg, Netherlands
Rouge Odyssée, Biennale d’art contemporain de Bonifacio, Jardin du Bastion, Bonifacio, France
59th Venice Biennale, Gallerie dell’Accademia di Venezia, Venice, Italy
From Monet to Richter: Focus on New Acquisitions, Pola Museum of Art, Kanagawa, Japan
LONDON CALLING, Palazzo Cipolla, Rome, Italy

Light: Works from the Tate Collection, Buk-Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
ECTOPIA, Forum Leverkusen, Leverkusen, Germany
INHERENT FORM, Regen Projects, Los Angeles, US
Selections: Gallery Artists, Regen Projects, Los Angeles, US
Contemporary Optics: Olafur Eliasson, Teresita Fernández, and Anish Kapoor, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco, US
Light & Space, Copenhagen Contemporary, Copenhagen, Denmark

Selected works in London, Lisson Gallery, London, UK
Escape Routes: 2020 Bangkok Art Biennale, Bangkok, Thailand
Objects of Wonder: From Pedestal, to Interaction, Aros Aahus Kunstmuseum, Århus, Denmark
Come Out!, Kistefos Museet, Jevnaker, Norway
LX by Archeus/Post-Modern, LX Arts, New York, US
The Artist-Collector’s Dream (A Nice Thing), Galleria Continua, San Gimignano, Italy
When You Touch About Me, I Think Myself, SIGNS, Istanbul, Turkey
Momentum, Voorlinden Museum and Gardens, Wassenaar, The Netherlands

15 Artists x 15 Years in China, Galleria Continua, Beijing, China
Selections from the Marciano Collection, Marciano Art Foundation, Los Angeles, US
Pushing paper: contemporary drawing from 1970 to now, British Museum, London, UK 9/12
Reflections on Space and Time, Galeria Nara Roesler, São Paulo, Brazil 4/2
A Time Capsule Continued, Parkett Exhibition Space, Zurich, Switzerland 2/23
Objects of Wonder: British Sculpture from the Tate Collection 1950 – Present, Palais Populaire, Berlin, Germany
A National Treasure: Fred Meijer, His Collection and Legacy, Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park, Grand Rapids, US

Minimalism: Space, Light, Object, National Gallery Singapore and ArtScience Museum, Singapore
1914/1918 – Not Then, Not Now, Not Ever, Art & Culture International, German Bundestag, Berlin, Germany
Rituals of Signs and Metamorphosis, Red Brick Art Museum, Beijing, China
The Gift of Art, Pérez Art Museum Miami, Miami, US
The World on Paper, Deutsche Bank, Palais Populaire, Berlin, Germany
Space Shifters, Hayward Gallery, London, UK
Dream: Art Meets Dreams, Chiostro del Bramante, Rome, Italy
Heinz Peter Schwerfel: Artist Portraits, Large Meadow Exhibitions 2018, Bilsart, Istanbul, Turkey
250th Summer Exhibition, Royal Academy of Arts, London, UK
Daniel Buren, Camille Henrot, Anish Kapoor, Bertrand Lavier, Claude Lévêque, Christodoulos Panayiotou, Galerie Kamel Mennour, Paris, France
Daniel Buren & Anish Kapoor, Galleria Continua, San Gimignano, Italy
Art & Jewelry, Custot Gallery Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Process and Practice: 40 Years of Experimentation, The Fabric Workshop and Museum, Philadelphia, US
Blood: Uniting and Dividing, POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews, Warsaw, Poland
Everything at Once, Lisson Gallery and The Vinyl Factory, Store Studios, 180 The Strand, London, UK
ReView, De Pont at 25: Anniversary Exhibition, De Pont Museum, Tillburg, The Netherlands
Lucerne Festival Ark Nova 2017, Tokyo Midtown, Tokyo, Japan
A Journey, Kewenig Gallery, Berlin, Germany
Windows, Jhaveri Contemporary, Mumbai, India
Lyric on a Battlefield, Gladstone Gallery, New York, US
Summer Exhibition 2017, Royal Academy of Arts, London, UK
Euro Visions: Contemporary Art from the Goldberg Collection, National Art School Gallery, Sydney, Australia
Intuition, Palazzo Fortuny, Venice, Italy
Reconstitution, LAXART, Los Angeles, US
The Creative Act: Performance, Process, Presence, Guggenheim Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
L’emozione dei COLORI nell’arte, Castello di Rivoli Museo D’Arte Contemporanea, Turin, Italy
Warming Huts, Winnipeg River Trail, Winnipeg, Canada

Nuit Blanche, Seine River, Paris, France
Yinchuan Biennale, Yinchuan, China
Seeing Round Corners: The Art of the Circle, Turner Contemporary, Margate, UK
Daydreaming with Stanley Kubrick, Somerset House, London, UK
Summer Exhibition, Royal Academy of Arts, London, UK
British Sculptors, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco, US
Sculptors in Print, Marlborough Fine Art, London, UK

Wind and Art Don't Care About Borders, Metropolitan Art Society, Beirut, Lebanon
Interact With Us, Ventana Contemporary Ibiza, Ibiza, Spain
Phantom Bodies: The Human Aura in Art, The Frist Center for Visual Arts, Nashville, US
Making It: Sculpture in Britain 1977-1986, Warwick Art Centre, West Midlands, UK
Folia Continua- 25 Years of Galleria Continua, Cent Quatare, Paris, France
TRIO Bienal, Fine Arts National Museum, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Back to Basics: Selections from the Weisman Art Fondation, Frederick R. Weisman Museum of Art, Pepperdine University, Malibu, US
Sprayed, Gagosian Gallery, London, UK
KölnSkulptur #8, Skulpturenpark Köln, Cologne, Germany
Between the Idea and Experience, 12th Havana Biennial, Havana, Cuba
The Secret Life of the Pencil, Paul Smith, No. 9 Albemarle Street, London, UK
Proportio, Palazzo Fortuny, Venice, Italy
Drawing Biennial 2015, The Drawing Room, London, UK
(im)possible!: Artists as Architects, Marta Herford, Herford, Germany
History Is Now: 7 Artists Take on Britain, Hayward Gallery, London, UK
On Show, Austin/Desmond Find Art, London, UK
Construire une Collection (Building a Collection), Nouveau musée national de Monaco, Monaco

Melting Walls: The Babel Trilogy, University of Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv, Israel
Whorled Explorations: Kochi-Muziris Biennale 2014, Fort Kochi, India
Akram Khan - One Side to the Other, The Lowry, Salford, UK
The Mirror, Toshio Shimizu Art Office, Tokyo, Japan
ARCO Foundation Collection, Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo, Madrid, Spain
The Other Side – Mirrors and Reflections in Contemporary Art, Belvedere, Vienna
Formes Simples, Centre Pompidou-Metz, Metz, Metz, France
Genius Loci – Spirit of Place, 14th International Architecture Biennale, Venice, Italy
Anish Kapoor & James Lee Byars, Galerie Kamel Mennour in collaboration with Michael Werner Gallery, Paris, France
A Secret Affair: Selections From The Fuhrman Family Collection, The Contemporary Austin, Austin, US; traveled to The FLAG Art Foundation, New York, US
Picture of Wound – Wound as Picture, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Bochum, Germany
Abstract Drawing, curated by Richard Deacon, Drawing Room, London, UK
Making Links: 25 Years, SCAI The Bathhouse, Tokyo, Japan

Nostalgic for the Future, Lisson Gallery, London, UK
Las huellas del camino. CAC Málaga, una década, CAC Málaga, Málaga, Spain
Out of Hand: Materializing the Postdigital, The Museum of Arts and Design, New York, US
Otherworldly, Magasin 3 Stockholm Konsthall, Stockholm, Sweden
Beam In Thine Own Eye, Museum of Old and New Art, Tasmania, Australia; traveled as I Look to You and I See Nothing, to Sharjah Art Foundation, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
Earth and Elsewhere: Contemporary works from the Collection, Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane, Australia
Köln Skulptur #7, Sculpture Park, Cologne, Germany
Dynamo – A Century of Light and Motion in Art, 1913-2013, Grand Palais, Paris, France
What to Think, What to Desire, What to Do, Fundació “la Caixa,” Barcelona, Spain

Think Twice, Whitechapel Gallery, London, UK
Inaugural Exhibition by Gallery Artists, Regen Projects, Los Angeles, US
Klein Byars Kapoor, Musée d'Art Moderne et d'Art Contemporain, Nice, France
Prism. Drawings from 1990 to 2012, Museum of Contemporary Art, Oslo, Norway
Light and Landscape, Storm King Art Centre, Mountainville, US
Lux Perpetua, Kamel Mennour, Paris, France
Matters of Fact, Hessel Museum of Art, Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, New York, US

Made in the UK: Contemporary Art from the Richard Brown Baker Collection, Rhode Island School of Design Museum of Art, Providence, US
Silent Echoes: Collection Exhibition II, 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, Japan
Picasso to Koons: The Artist as Jeweler, Museum of Arts & Design, New York, US; traveled to Bass Museum of Art, Miami, US
Black Swan: The Exhibition, Regen Projects, Los Angeles, US

Spazio/Space, The National Museum of the XXI Century Arts, Rome, Italy
Outiside the Box: Edition Jacob Samuel, 1988 – 2010, Hammer Museum, Los Angeles, US
Sexuality and Transcendence, Pinchuk Art Centre, Kiev, Ukraine
Itinéraires de l’élégance entre l’Orient et l’Occident, Villa Empain, Boghossian Foundation, Brussels, Belgium
ColorForms, Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Washington D.C., US
Contemplating the Void, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, US

3rd Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art, Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art, Moscow, Russia
Domus Collection New York | Beijing, White Space, Beijing, China
Anish Kapoor, John McCracken, Avid Rabinowitch, Rachel Whiteread, Fredericks & Freiser, New York, US
3, Lisson Gallery, London, UK
Incidental Affairs: Contemporary Art of Transient States, Suntory Museum, Osaka, Japan
Marble, Gagosian Gallery, New York, US

Helga de Alvear und Harald Falckenberg im Dialog, Phoenix Kulterstiftung, Hamburg, Germany
Ambition of Art, Institut d'art Contemporain, Lyon, France
Traces du Sacré, Centres Georges Pompidou, Paris, France
Blood on Paper – the Art of the Book, Victoria and Albert Museum, London, UK
For What We Are About To Receive, Gagosian Gallery, Moscow, Russia
Blake's Shadow, Whitworth Art Gallery, Manchester, UK

Makers and Modelers: Works in Ceramic, Gladstone Gallery, New York, US
Arttempo-Where Time Becomes Art, Palazzo Fortuny, Venice, Italy
Estuaire, Nantes<>Saint-Nazaire, Nantes, France
Fast Forward: Contemporary Collections for the Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas, US
Timer 01/Intimacy, Milan, Italy
Contrepoint, Musée du Louvre, Paris, France
Simply Red, The Fabric Workshop & Museum, Philadelphia, US
Slow, Z33, Hasselt, Belgium

How to Improve the World, Hayward Gallery, London, UK
The Expanded Eye, Kunsthaus Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland  
Surprise Surprise, The Institute of Contemporary Arts, London, London, UK
The Grande Promenade, curated by Anna Kafetsi, National Museum of Contemporary Art, Athens, Greece
The 5th Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, Queensland Art Gallery, South Brisbane, Australia
Concepts for a Collection, Centro Cultural de Belém, Belém, Brazil
Modern and Contemporary Master Drawings, Connaught Brown, London, UK

Collection Automne – Hiver, 2ème Partie, CAPC Musée d’Art Contemporain, Bordeaux, France
God is Great, curated by David Thorp, Istituto Nautico Venier, Venice, Italy
Bidibidobidiboo, curated by Francesco Bonami, Sandretto Re Rebaudengo Collection, Turin, Italy
Colour After Klein, Barbican Art Gallery, London, UK
Universal Experience: Art, Life, and the Tourist's Eye, Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago, Chicago, US
Donnaregina Napoli, Museo d'Arte Contemporanea, Rome, Italy
(In)Visible (In) Corporeo, Museo d'Arte Provincia di Nuoro, Nuoro, Italy
British Sculpture Show, Kunsthalle Würth, Schwäbisch Hall, Germany

Arts and Architecture 1900-2000, Palazzo Ducale, Genoa, Italy
5th Gwangju Biennale – A Grain of Dust a Drop of Water, Gwangju, Korea
Lustwarande 04, Tilburg, Netherlands, 2004
Pain: Passion, Compassion, Sensibility, Science Museum, London, UK
Dzine, Beautiful Things, SCAI The Bathhouse, Tokyo

Inaugural Exhibition, Regen Projects, Los Angeles, US
Minimalism and More: Contemporary Art, The Frederick R Weisman Art Foundation, Malibu, US
Fresh Contemporary British Artists in Print, Edinburgh Printmakers, Edinburgh, Scotland
Ineffable Beauty, Schon Unaussprechlich, Kunsthalle Erfurt, Erfurt, Germany, 2003
Beaufort 2003, Ostend, Belgium
Mind Space, Ho-Am Art Gallery, Seoul, Korea
As Heavy as Heaven, Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz, Austria
Windstill, Cotthem Gallery, Brussels, Belgium
Blast to Freeze: British Art in the 20th Century, Les Abattoirs, Toulouse, France
Tate Modern, London, UK
Bewitched Bothered and Bewildered, Migros Museum, Zurich, Switzerland
Selected Projects
Ark Nova Tokyo 2017, Tokyo Midtown, Japan

Art Nova, Lucerne Festival, Matsushima, Japan

Orbit, Queen Elizabeth Park, London, UK

Leviathan, Grand Palais, Monumenta, Paris, France

Temenos, Middlesbrough. Frist of the Five Tees Valley Giants Sculptures, public artworks commissioned as part of Tees Valley Regeneration (TVR), North Shore and Stockton, Tees Valley, UK
Turning the World Upside Down, Israel Museum, Jerusalem, Israel

Brighton Festival, Guest Artistic Director
Earth Cinema, Arte Pollini, Basilicata, Italy

56 Leonard Street, Collaboration with Herzog and de Meuron

Sky Mirror, Rockefeller Center, New York, US

Cloud Gate, Millennium Park, Chicago, US
L’Origine du monde, 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, Japan

Marsyas, Turbine Hall, The Unilever Series, Tate Modern, London, UK

Sky Mirror, Nottingham Playhouse, Nottingham, UK

The Edge of the World, Axel Vervoordt Kanal, Wijnegem, Belgium

Taratantara, BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art, Gateshead, UK

Mountain, Simcoe Park, Toronto, Canada

Mountain, Tachikawa Art Project, Tachikawa, Japan
Selected Awards
Honorary Fellowship, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK

Knighthood, UK

Praemium Imperiale, Japan Art Association, Japan
Ordre des Arts et des Lettres, France

Commandeer of the Order of the British Empire, UK

Honorary Fellowship, Royal Institute of British Architecture, London, UK

Elected Royal Academician, Royal Academy of Arts, London, UK
Honorary Fellowship, University of Wolverhampton, Wolverhampton, UK

Honorary Fellowship, London Institute, London, UK
Honorary Fellowship, Leeds University, Leeds, UK

Turner Prize, Tate Gallery, London, UK

Premio Duemila, 44th Venice Biennale, Venice, Italy
Selected Public and Private Collections
Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, US
Arts Council of Great Britain, UK
Auckland City Art Gallery, Auckland, New Zealand
British Council Collection, UK
Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh, US
Contemporary Art Society, London, UK
De Pont Foundation, Tilburg, The Netherlands
Fine Art Museum of San Francisco, US
Fukuoka City Museum, Fukuoka, Japan
Fundacio Berardo, Lisbon, Portugal
Hara Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo, Japan
Heide Park and Art Gallery, Victoria, Australia
Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Washington D.C., US
Kloster Schönthal, Basel, Switzerland
Leeds City Art Gallery, Leeds, UK
Moderna Galerija, Ljublijana, Slovenia
Moderna Museet, Stockholm, Sweden
Musée St. Pierre, Lyon, France
Museo National Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid, Spain
Museo d’Arte Contemporanea, Prato, Italy
Museum of Modern Art, New York, US
National Gallery, Ottawa, Canada
Nelson Atkins Museum, Kansas City, US
Rijksmuseum Kroller-Muller, Otterlo, The Netherlands
Leeum Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
San Diego Museum of Contemporary Art, San Diego, US
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, US
Tate Collection, London, UK
Tel Aviv Museum of Art, Tel Aviv, Israel
21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, Japan
Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver, Canada
Weltkunst Foundation, Zurich, Switzerland
Wilhelm Lehmbruck Museum, Duisburg, Germany
